Aromatherapy for Your Dosha  

Aromatherapy whether using essential oils, or fresh herbs, can tap into your body’s natural ability to take care of itself.  Our sense of smell connects us directly with our emotions, including our memories as well as our instincts. By intentionally stimulating our sense of smell, we can use aroma to support emotional well-being, trigger certain emotions and to affect energy levels: grounded, peaceful, energized, relaxed, focused. … In your next yoga practice consider using aromatherapy, whether with a certain mudra or diffuser, to enhance the effectiveness of how asana will open up certain energy meridians and chakras.  Consider your energy state at the beginning of your practice, the outcome you wish to achieve, your dosha, and of course the theme of your sequence.  Refer to the previous blog posts and your copy of Essential Yoga Practice on using a diffuser, on understanding your dosha and consider using one of the six sequences outlined.  The more you understand your dosha, the use of essential oils, and refine your sense of body awareness, the moreyou will use your own intuition to custom-create your own blends for aromatherapy.  Pittas can aim for cooling and calming oils like ylang-ylang, lavender, lemon, peppermint.  Vatas are seeking to support their need for grounding and stress relief to balance restless energy with aromas of Patchouli, Vetiver, and Basil.  Kaphas can seek to use aromas that are stimulating like rosemary, frankincense, eucalyptus, and peppermint  to revive vital energy.  More suggestions are listed and explained in the Ayurveda section of Essential Yoga Practice:  Your Guide to the New Yoga Experience Using Essential Oils.