Consistency leads to stamina

Pause for a few seconds to observe the flow of your breath. Become aware of a silent but powerful sense of presence. Appreciate all around you the gifts of the earth. Be grateful for the Source of all of these gifts. Feel your place in space and appreciate the intricacies of your body, the vehicle of your soul. You are here today, living your dharma, the purpose of your life. To honor "the body as the temple," means to give attention daily to nutrition, rest and movement/exercise.  Consistency counts in all of these avenues of building resilience so that you can truly live the purpose of today, and tomorrow. 

Practice weight bearing poses - they are exhilarating!  Plank, up dog, down dog, long bridge (pictured here), and inversions like handstand and shoulder stand.

Essential oils to use:  Cilantro, Cardamom, or respiratory blend.