Essential Yoga Sangha
/As most people look forward to and start a new year, self-care comes foremost to mind. Weight loss, healthy eating, exercise, and living with a focus more centered in gratitude, service and joy are some of the topics freq, uently visited. Why do we tend to reflect on these things? Because these activities clear us, help us connect better to the people and activities most important to us, and help us raise our personal vibration.
Raising vibration, awareness and learning to be present (our only true moment of power) are results that both focusing onyoga and essential oils can bring. We invite you to join us for our 2-week Yoga Sangha, March 12, 2018…gift yourself this experience for self nurturing. In this Sangha course, you’ll deepen your knowledge about essential oils and how they can benefit your yoga practice and daily life, you’ll learn to identify your Ayurvedic constitution and apply the information for a higher level of self-care, you’ll review chakra balancing, you will learn how to live and practice yoga in a toxin-free environment, and more.
Yoga Alliance registered teachers can opt to receive 10 CE credits upon completion of thisSangha course, and will receive additional training on incorporating essential oils into their yoga studio and classes. Best of all, all Sangha participants have direct access to Mona and Asti and can get questions answered in a fun, supportive environment.
We hope you put this experience on your bucket list for this year!