Gratitude Series Yoga Practice

We used a blend called Joy:  4 drops Bergamot, 3 drops Wild Orange, 2 drops Geranium and 2 drops White Fir in a 10 ml roller bottle with Fractionated Coconut Oil as the carrier. Use on pulse points, behind the ears, between the palms and inhale deeply.  The affirmation: " I am grateful.  I allow joy to fill my entire being.” Enjoy this practice of a Classical Sun Salutation, followed by Warrior I, Revolved Side angle Pose, Warrior II, Triangle, Side Angle Pose, Powerful Pose, Volcano Pose, Mountain Pose, and Happy/Easy Pose with a Twist. Enjoy your practice!  

There are still two more days to be eligible for this month’s giveaway, a bottle of Peppermint and a bottle of our Joy blend.  What essential oil(s) have you been using in your practice?  Like, comment and share to be eligible to win!