Live Authentically, Align the Energy of Your Chakras

Have you ever pondered your motivation or inspiration for decision making…or less formally, doing what you do? Common reasons include: wanting to please someone so we can get approval or deliberately making a choice we think will really displease someone, trying to receive some type of reward/compensation or trying to avoid pain/negative consequence, trying to avoid confrontation or trying to cause a confrontation. Sometimes we make decisions when we are in fight, flight or freeze (we rarely make good decisions when we are in one of those modes).

Ultimately, we want to become more aware of what we want to be, have, do and experience, so that we make our decisions based on intention …and by so doing we live deliberately. But what if you are making your “intentional” decisions based on the wrong motivating factor (such as someone else’s approval)? Then the brilliance you were born with may get stifled beyond recognition, and the rest of us may never get to experience the gift that is uniquely you.

So….what is the best motivating factor for decision making, and how do we tune into it? There are 3 levels we make decisions with. The first level is with our head …. That’s where all the “mind-talk” described in the first paragraph comes in. We can make decisions while we are in level one, but those decisions end up either being fear-based or inauthentic, neither of which leads to our best homework.

The second level is with our heart. When we make decisions from the heart, we make decisions from a place of faith and hope in ourselves and in our future, and we start to live authentically. Making decisions from level two can help us not only to live with an overall awareness of what we want to be, do or have but can also help us make decisions in the moment.

The third level is when we align our heart with our higher power. When we make decisions on this level, we are experiencing the result of proper chakra alignment. The 4th chakra is the heart of intuition and all energy – we want to bring the energy of the chakras above to the heart, energy from chakras below to the heart, then lead from the heart in all that we do. Ponder that powerful idea for a moment…when we are able to keep our chakras open and allow our root, sacral and navel chakras to create a foundational energy for the heart….and align the throat, third-eye and crown chakra (thus we align ourselves with inspiration, intuition, our best selves and our higher power) and allow the heart to lead with this alignment, our decisions will be firmly grounded.

Obviously this is a process easier said than done. Yoga with “heart openers” allows us to support that energy pattern in our bodies. You can also use aromatherapy to help you open the chakras and root and lift your heart so that your decisions are based on your best self. See pages 27 - 29 and the Chakra Chart on pages 30-31 in Essential Yoga Practice for a list of suggested essential oils and other ways to balance chakras, and determine to live as your best self, and to allow your unique brilliance to shine.

To learn more about chakras, yoga and aromatherapy whether you are a seasoned yoga teacher (needing CE hours) or whether you are brand new to yoga and aromatherapy, you’ll love our 2-week course, Essential Yoga Sangha starting July 30th, 2018. To register and for more information, go here .