Embrace the Holiday Season Together - Joy to the World!
/Join us in the coming weeks as we pair hand mudras to the weekly themes of the Advent wreath in the Christian tradition of this season. The Advent wreath uses a weekly candle lighting along with a theme. This year we are suggesting adding specific mudras which align with the theme of each week in the Advent season. We will shed light on Love, Hope, Peace and Joy. In the coming weeks, join us as we incorporate the following mudras into our daily meditation practice. The beauty of what might unfold from the positive energy of these hand gestures can be understood with study of mudras, chakras, marmas, pranayama, and of course, your own practice.
We are suggesting the use of Hakini mudra with the theme of Hope in the first week,
Dhyani Mudra to represent Peace, Hansi Mudra to support Joy and to pair Padma Mudra with Love. To begin, sit comfortably for meditation practice and rest your hands on your thighs or in your lap. Bring your fingers/hands to the form of the hand mudra. Over time you will find this habit comforting as it will help you turn your focus inwards and mentally prepare for meditation and even for a deeper yoga practice experience.
Hakini Mudra - Hope
Courtesy mysticalbee.com
Dhyani Mudra – Peace
Courtesy letitgoyoga
Hansi Mudra
Courtesy Jenniferreisyoga
Padma Mudra - Love
courtesy Ambujayoga.com
As you add these mudras to your meditation and yoga practice, sharpen your awareness to notice what unfolds and share with us using photos or a brief description. Add a drop of sandalwood or frankincense essential oil to your palms to raise the vibration of the potential energy of practicing the mudra. You will inspire others as you radiate the light of this deepening practice. Mudras are after all, “gestures” and here is a way to offer our hands toward seva, blessing our world. We can’t wait to hear from YOU – please use #EYPholidaymudras2019