

Merry Christmas! For today’s holiday blog, we thought a tribute to the “King of Oils” would be most fitting…

Interesting facts 

  • The word frankincense means “pure religious incense.”

  • Frankincense was one of the most valuable commodities that could be traded. Typically only royalty or the very wealthy even had access to frankincense.

  • Frankincense resin has been used for centuries for everything from perfumes to salves for soothing skin.

  • It was used for worship in religious ceremonies to increase individual communion with God.

  • Frankincense has soothing and beautifying properties used to rejuvenate skin and reduce the appearance of scars and stretch marks.

  • As the king of oils, Frankincense is known to promote healthy cellular function and support the immune system, and PURE Frankincense can be consumed daily for these internal benefits (read bottle label).

  • It also promotes a healthy inflammatory response and acts as an overall tonic to the body’s systems, helping them function optimally.

  • When inhaled or diffused, Frankincense induces feelings of peace, relaxation, satisfaction, and overall wellness.

Common Uses/Application:

  • Rub Frankincense on your hands after a long day working to promote a normal inflammatory response.

  • Put a drop on your hands, rub them together, cup your nose and inhale. Rub a drop over your heart or on the back of your neck.

  • Diffuse it into the air via a diffuser.

  • Can help promote youthful, radiant-looking skin and slow the signs of aging by reducing the appearance of skin imperfections.

  • Can be applied to the bottoms of the feet to relax and balance mood swings.

  • Dry weather can take a toll on your nails. Try applying a drop of Frankincense to strengthen weak fingernails.

More Interesting Facts

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  • Frankincense has such powerful healing properties because it has to overcome the harsh, arid environment in which it grows.

  • Frankincense essential oil is extracted from the resin that comes from the tree. Once or twice a year, the tree is scored (cut) and the resin begins to leak from the tree in what we call tears. The tears must dry on the tree for a period of time before they are able to be harvested.

  • Through a distillation process, the aromatic compounds that comprise the essential oil (healing part of the plant) are released. When frankincense is grown, harvested, sorted and distilled properly, the resulting essential oil is pure and potent enough to promote cellular health.

  • Frankincense is known as “King of Oils” because it’s so versatile and effective.

  • When utilizing Frankincense for any reason, using a multi-pronged approach is very effective (aromatic, topical, internal).

  • Consistently using small doses (i.e. 1 drop) of frankincense gives us better long and short-term benefits than using a lot all at once.