New Year New You – 6 Ways We are Here to Help!

Embracing a new year, a new month, or a new day even, is an opportunity to “begin anew,” to have a fresh start unencumbered by what might have held you back in the past, and propelled forward by events in our past which support positive change. As we turn toward the next decade, we can consider setting intentions, large and small, to embrace evolving in short-term, accessible steps while preparing for the “big picture” of where we anticipate our greater long-term journeying steps. Here at Essential Yoga Practice, we are planning for several ways to support you in 2020 and beyond:

1. Our book Essential Yoga Practice will take on a second edition with a revised chapter in the aromatherapy/essential oils section and a new chapter on “Yoga and Pregnancy.”

2. Online classes will begin with a new YouTube channel coming in 2020 – be sure you are subscribed to our weekly blog to receive the first practice videos.

3.  Essential Yoga Sangha, our 2 week online course, will be offered twice this year. There are two versions of this course, and one will offer 10 Yoga Alliance CECs for YA Registered teachers.

4.  Our weekly blogpost continues, filled with yoga, Ayurveda and aromatherapy practices and inspiration. Subscribe to our blog and/or to our social media accounts to journey with us through the course of the year.

5.  Want access and education on aromatherapy and pure essential oils? Reach out to us here (Clint, hyperlink, we look forward to hearing from you!

6. Want to attend a retreat where we intertwine yoga, ayurveda and aromatherapy? Check out this opportunity and reach us here (Clint, hyperlink to learn about upcoming retreats (Clint, hyperlink the LifeFit Spain Retreat).

The turn of the year is here, and we hope you're preparing in whatever ways will best serve you – we are so glad you have joined our circle and look forward to knowing you more – Happy New Year from Essential Yoga Practice!

Asti Atkinson and Mona Flynn