Jnana Mudra

As human beings, our hands help us access what we need and do, embrace others, offer our gifts through service, eat, pray, and communicate.  In the practice of yoga we can use hand gestures, called mudras, to help the mind focus, before and during meditation, and throughout the day.  Mudras utilize points along the energy channels of the body, the meridians, and give feedback to the brainvia sensory reception.  The subtle body also has influence on the brain and on the mind so these hand gestures can affect our mindset.  

A commonly used and rather powerful mudra, is Jnana mudra, also known as gayan mudra, which has been practiced for centuries by yogis as it stimulates the root chakra, eases tension and depression, brings peace, calm, spiritual opening and ease in meditation.  More often this mudra is used when sitting in Sukhasana, also known as Happy or Easy Pose, with the tip of the forefinger meeting the tip of the thumb, the palms facing upward, and the elbows fairly straight.  This position invites clarity as it enhances “one-pointed” concentration.  Jnana mudra helps us to learn to understand our limitless true self.  

If the palms are turned down while the same alignment of the hands/fingers, we then have Chin mudra, the gesture of consciousness, where we are able to focus on the Divine order within all creation, surrendering with gratitude.