Chakras consist of 7 energetic centers located along the spine. In eastern medicine, these energy centers have long been recognized as key components in our ability to achieve happiness, and in Maslow’s terms “self-actualization.” When we have free, clear-flowing energy in each distinct chakra, it impacts a certain part of our life.
The great thing is, there are many ways to approach opening your chakras and ensuring that the energy is not only flowing, but flowing in the right direction. As you read the information below, choose an action you’ll take with each chakra and experiment opening your chakras today. We’d love to hear how you feel afterwards!
Start the process with a drop of a grounding blend that you apply to the bottoms of your feet, then use a protective blend to communicate to your body and spirit that opening up at this time is a safe and supported process.
The Root Chakra, Muladhara:
· This chakra is located at the base of the spine and represents our roots – your family of origin, how you fit in, it concerns matters of survival such as food and shelter.
· Associated with the color red – focus on red; wear it, eat foods of this color, intentionally look at artwork featuring this color
· Put a drop of Bergamot, Vetiver, Ginger, Myrrh, or Patchouli essential oil in your hands, rub your hands together, cup your nose and inhale. You can also apply a drop to the bottoms of the feet and to the base of the spine. Rub in a clockwise manner.
· Meditate with the sound “LAM,” taking deep breaths until you feel relaxed
The Sacral Chakra, Svadhishthana:
· This chakra is located about 2 inches below the navel and is our creation center. It concerns well-being in the areas of sexuality and feelings of abundance.
· Associated with the color orange -- wear it, eat foods of this color, intentionally look at artwork featuring this color
· Put a drop of Sandalwood, Orange, Geranium, Cedarwood, or Jasmine essential oil in your hands, rub your hands together, cup your nose and inhale. You can also apply a drop to the bottoms of the feet and to the abdomen about 2 inches below the navel. Rub in a clockwise manner.
· Meditate with the sound “VAM,” taking deep breaths until you feel relaxed
The Solar Plexus Chakra, Manipura
· This chakra is located just above the stomach and represents well-being in the areas of self-confidence, self-worth and self-esteem. It’s how we perceive and feel about ourselves.
· Associated with the color yellow -- wear it, eat foods of this color, intentionally look at artwork featuring this color
· Put a drop of Juniper, Neroli, Lemon or Peppermint essential oil in your hands, rub your hands together, cup your nose and inhale. You can also apply a drop to the bottoms of the feet and to the area above the stomach. Rub in a clockwise manner.
· Meditate with the sound “RAM,” taking deep breaths until you feel relaxed
The Heart Chakra, Anahata
· This chakra has to do with our ability to give and receive love. In yoga, we want to direct the balanced and open energy from the bottom three chakras to the heart, direct the energy from the chakras above the heart to the heart, and then lead with the heart in all things…this is our true center and helps us live lives of peace and happiness.
· Associated with the color green -- wear it, eat foods of this color, intentionally look at artwork featuring this color
· Put a drop of Bergamot and/or Ylang Ylang essential oil in your hands, rub your hands together, cup your nose and inhale. You can also apply a drop to the bottoms of the feet and to the heart. Rub in a clockwise manner.
· Meditate with the sound “YAM,” taking deep breaths until you feel relaxed
The Throat Chakra, Vishuddha
· This chakra has to do with our ability to express our truth, to communicate in an authentic way
· Associated with the color blue -- wear it, eat foods of this color, intentionally look at artwork featuring this color
· Put a drop of Geranium, Bayberry, Chamomile or Myrrh essential oil in your hands, rub your hands together, cup your nose and inhale. You can also apply a drop to the bottoms of the feet and to the throat. Rub in a clockwise manner.
· Meditate with the sound “HAM,” taking deep breaths until you feel relaxed
The Third Eye Chakra, Ajna
· This chakra is located in the center of the forehead and is connected to our ability to focus and approach life with imagination, wisdom and intuition
· Associated with the color purple -- wear it, eat foods of this color, intentionally look at artwork featuring this color
· Put a drop of Lavender or Camphor essential oil in your hands, rub your hands together, cup your nose and inhale. You can also apply a drop to the bottoms of the feet and to the forehead. Rub in a clockwise manner.
· Meditate with the sound “OM,” taking deep breaths until you feel relaxed
The Crown Chakra, Sahasrara
· This chakra is located at the top of the head and is related to our ability to connect with our higher power and live connected to source, as our highest, best selves
· Associated with the color white -- wear it, eat foods of this color, intentionally look at artwork featuring this color
· Put a drop of Frankincense or Lavender essential oil in your hands, rub your hands together, cup your nose and inhale. You can also apply a drop to the bottoms of the feet and to the top of the head. Rub in a clockwise manner.
· Meditate with the sound “OM,” taking deep breaths until you feel relaxed
Post on one of our Social Media pages to let us know how you are feeling after doing one or all of the chakra opening practices. You can learn much more about chakra opening and balancing by attending our Essential Yoga Sangha starting the last week of July, it’s a perfect way to start learning about the art of pairing yoga with essential oils if you are new to either. If you are a yoga teacher and member of yoga alliance, the Sangha can qualify you for all 10 of your online CE hours. Click HERE for more information and to get registered.